Eligibility Requirements
Before filling out our weatherization application please make sure that you are first eligible for our services.
Are you a City of Buffalo Resident?
To be eligible to receive our services your household must be located within the city limits of Buffalo. If you are unsure of whether or not your are a city of Buffalo resident please click below. If you are not a resident of the City of Buffalo you may still be eligible for weatherization assistance from other programs in Erie County

Catergorical Eligibility
An applicant is categorically eligible for WAP assistance if they receive any of the following,
Supplemental Security Income
Public Assistance
Food Stamps
HEAP - Regular Benefits
Households Residing in Certain HUD- or USDA-assisted Multi-family Buildings
If you receive any of the benefits above you still must provide the proper proof of documentation.
Income Eligibility
If you are not categorically eligible, you can still be eligible for our services if you are low income eligible. To prove that your household is in-fact low income eligible you will need to have ready the proper documentation. Click below to find out if your household meets the necessary income threshold to qualify.